7 Amazing Benefits of Baby Massage - nytimes.com.in

7 Amazing Benefits of Baby Massage

by Farman Ali

Image Name: Importance of Baby Massage

Alt Image Title: Benefits of Baby Massage

A mother and her baby develop a special bond during the pregnancy journey. Even after the baby comes into the world, they wish to remain as close to the mom as they feel the safest around her! As for the mother, she wants everything to be the best for her little one! Cheers to all the new mums who have become pro at taking care of their baby’s needs instantly, as though they were always made for it! Recent studies indicate that one of the best ways to deepen the mom-baby bond is baby massage. It has several other benefits as well, which will be discussed further in this article. 

Let’s dive in and talk about one amazing massage oil that has recently got a lot of attention owing to its various advantages for the baby. Introducing AreoVeda’s Baby Massage Oil. Ideal for massaging, this lightweight and non-comedogenic oil helps soothe, moisturise and nourish your baby’s sensitive skin.    

Benefits Of Baby Massage 

  1. Relaxes Muscles And Bones

The newborn’s muscles become stiff as they feel tired of lying down. A gentle massage with a nourishing massage oil can be beneficial in relaxing their muscles and bones. Furthermore, the gentle application of the oil during massage enhances circulation, encourages flexibility and provides comfort and ease to the baby. This relaxing experience can lead to a happier baby and, let’s be honest, a more relaxed parent too!  

  1. Aids Digestion And Reduces Colic

It’s very common for a baby to have digestion issues and sometimes, become too fussy to handle. Especially during the initial three months when the baby is not moving much. In such scenarios, the baby massage can save the day by alleviating gas, easing constipation, and reducing colic and other gastrointestinal problems. 

  1. Improves Sleep 

Have you ever noticed how a relaxing bedtime routine helps you sleep better? These tiny citizens are no different! They also long for a sound sleep after creating fuss the whole day (& tiring their moms out, lol). Do you know that approximately 33% of newborns undergo sleep disturbances? However, baby massage can enhance sleep quality while also improving sleep duration. 

  1. Stimulates Physical Development

Just as exercise is important for grown-ups, it’s crucial for babies too! Baby massage encourages physical development by boosting muscle tone and flexibility. It’s like giving them a little workout while they lie there and enjoy it! Through massage, babies can learn to move their arms and legs in new ways, which helps with their overall coordination.  

  1. Fosters Emotional Development

Something that’s as important as physical health is what’s going on in that tiny mind. Babies learn to express themselves through touch, setting the stage for healthy emotional development. This lays a strong foundation for how they’ll interact with the world around them. 

  1. Boosts Bonding Between Parent and Baby

Baby massage strenghtens the connection between you and the baby by giving you that alone mom-baby time. This process releases a happy hormone and neuropeptide known as oxytocin. It helps reduce stress, strengthens bond & makes you feel relaxed. 

  1. Increases Body Weight

Last but not least, we have another benefit of baby massage. Baby massage positively impacts weight gain in infants. Research indicates that gentle, rhythmic massage techniques improve blood flow to vital organs, enhance nutrient absorption, stimulate the growth process and support overall health. 


In conclusion, a massage offers numerous benefits that enhance your baby’s well-being. This simple practice not only helps your baby feel loved but also empowers parents to connect in a meaningful way. 

Discover the joys of baby massage with AreoVeda’s Baby Massage Oil. This cellularly proven oil helps strengthen bones, improve blood circulation and enhance sleep quality. It also safeguards skin against infections due to its natural antibacterial properties. 

Explore natural, toxin-free and cellulary proven products curated especially for moms and babies at www.areoveda.in/ 

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